
  • Guardian Financial Services brand revived with aim to reinvent UK protection insurance

    31 August 2018

    Punter Southall and Leadenhall Capital Partners back new distributor with £180m of investment

  • Punter Southall appoints new head of de-risking solutions

    05 November 2014

    Colette Christiansen joins from Towers Watson

  • New census data shifts UK mortality improvement projections

    08 March 2013

    Pension funds could see a reduction in liabilities, says Punter Southall

  • Solvency II for pensions close to being dropped

    06 March 2013

    Five countries have now spoken out against IORP II

  • PIC and Institute of Cancer Research agree £30m pension buy-in

    04 March 2013

    ICR traded UK government bonds for bulk annuity policy