
  • The tech trends of 2016

    24 October 2016

    Christopher Cundy discusses the current themes in risk and actuarial software

  • AFA chooses BearingPoint's SII reporting solution

    28 July 2016

    Swedish insurer goes for SaaS option

  • Insurers struggle to find value in Solvency II data

    28 April 2016

    Better communication with stakeholders may be biggest early gain

  • Large Romanian car insurer enters financial recovery

    19 October 2015

    Euroins reported negative minimum Solvency II ratio

  • The innovation game

    14 August 2015

    As venture capitalists invest a record amount of money in insurance technology, insurers are joining their ranks in the race to find the next disruptive technology. Asa Gibson reports

  • First box ticked in Solvency II data reporting

    28 July 2015

    Fears that insurers would flounder in the first test of their Solvency II reporting systems have eased, but it has not all been plain sailing. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Leading Romanian insurer has negative solvency margin

    16 July 2015

    Four firms taking recovery measures ahead of Solvency II

  • Confidence in actuarial work "very high"

    17 April 2015

    FRC survey praises integrity and competence

  • Zurich takes BearingPoint's Solvency II reporting software

    22 January 2015

    Abacus system will help with regulatory compliance

  • BearingPoint survey reveals shortfall in Solvency II readiness

    14 November 2014

    Both larger and smaller insurers have some way to go