
  • US insurers falling short on climate change

    23 October 2014

    Need to account for weather-related risk in ERM assessments

  • Excluding terrorism risk?

    25 September 2014

    As the US Congress debates the latest renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, fears about expiration are stronger than before, with divisions over state v private sector responsibilities for insurance risk threatening the previous consensus. Hugo Coelho examines

  • Commission seeks separate mandate to negotiate US reinsurance collateral

    28 August 2014

    US reluctant to include financial services in TTIP

  • US insurers cut certain ABS holdings

    20 May 2014

    NAIC concerned over subprime auto and private student loan deals

  • US insurers increase corporate and municipal debt holdings

    09 May 2014

    Reduce exposure to US Treasuries, cash and short-term investments