
  • The 'winners' and losers from the Ogden rate change

    20 June 2017

    Insurers with lower retention rates increased their motor market share in Q1 as others were forced to raise prices faster. They are, however, likely to be hit harder during their reinsurance renewals, and the profits lost across the entire sector could reach £3.5bn. Callum Tanner reports

  • The ongoing ordeal of Ogden

    11 April 2017

    The change to UK's damages discount rate came as a huge surprise to many insurers. But this is far from being a one-off shock. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Three reinsurers ordered to delete English hospital data

    19 June 2014

    Investigation follows concerns over misuse of patient information

  • Actuarial paper at centre of health data storm

    25 February 2014

    UK health records may be inaccessible to actuaries in future