
  • Full steam ahead for Solvency II technology implementation

    28 October 2014

    The heat is on insurers to make their technology work in a fast-paced and regulation-bound environment, as Christopher Cundy surveys the scene in his introduction to the InsuranceERM Technology Guide 2014-15

  • Capital add-ons no permanent solution, PRA says

    22 October 2014

    Discretionary requirements would give insurers time to tweak their models

  • UK insurers weighing up alternatives to the MA

    22 October 2014

    Volatility adjustment might be more attractive, but further detail needed

  • Large insurers must certify Solvency II figures

    21 October 2014

    PRA seeks assurance on balance sheets, technical provisions and own funds

  • Optimising capital in a Solvency II world

    02 September 2014

    The introduction of Solvency II will bring about both challenges and opportunities from a capital management perspective. Here Sinead Clarke, Scott Mitchell and Eamonn Phelan consider how corporate and portfolio restructuring may be used to optimise capital management under the new regime

  • Eiopa to receive more powers - insurers to pay?

    28 August 2014

    The European Commission's recent proposals to increase the power and change the funding sources of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority have raised more than a few eyebrows. Marcus Alcock reports

  • Phoenix counts cost of government initiatives

    22 August 2014

    Annuities and pensions reforms cut value by £57m

  • Insurers pressed to flag deviations from standard formula

    01 August 2014

    Eiopa unveils assumptions underlying the default method for calculating Solvency II capital

  • Call for entries to InsuranceERM's Technology Guide

    22 July 2014

    Deadline of 15 August

  • Irish lifers not up to scratch with Solvency II reporting

    22 July 2014

    Milliman survey exposes low levels of preparedness for pillar 3