
  • US gov requests pause to MetLife court case

    05 May 2017

    Court should delay 60 days rather than for full Sifi review for now, says FSOC filing

  • A death knell for the Sifi designation?

    02 May 2017

    The US inquiry into the designation of non-bank systemically important financial institutions looks likely to see insurers AIG and Prudential Financial shed the label, while ensuring the court appeal against MetLife becomes obsolete. What will replace Obama's post-crisis regulation and will it affect the international process? Callum Tanner reports

  • MetLife asks court to put Sifi appeal on hold

    25 April 2017

    Follows Trump's executive order to review FSOC designations

  • Trump orders FSOC review

    24 April 2017

    No Sifi designations until review is complete, says Mnuchin

  • Insurers split on recovery and resolution planning

    16 March 2017

    As the IAIS looks to develop a market-wide approach to systemic risk, Eiopa is developing rules that will require recovery and resolution plans from all insurers regardless of their size. This broader approach to systemic risk has split industry opinion and pitted large firms against small. Callum Tanner reports

  • Mnuchin to review Sifi designation process

    02 March 2017

    First time overseeing FSOC meeting after Republican report sees "arbitrary and inconsistent" designations

  • Trump government threatens federal and international regime for insurers

    06 December 2016

    'Systemically important' designations, the EU-US covered agreement and US enthusiasm for the IAIS may all disappear over the next four years with Donald Trump as president. Some state commissioners are planning to make the most of an administration that, like them, sees too much power in the hands of federal authorities. Callum Tanner reports

  • FSB designates same nine G-Siis

    21 November 2016

    New IAIS designation methodology was not used

  • Trump election doesn't change AIG stance on Sifi designation

    18 November 2016

    But CEO says change of FSOC board could reduce importance of designation

  • Sompo to trial blockchain for parametric insurance products

    26 September 2016

    Japanese insurer claims technology drives costs down