
  • MetLife selling US retail business to lose Sifi status

    13 January 2016

    New company would have $240bn in assets

  • RPC Consulting hires ex-PwC insurance partner

    11 January 2016

    Chris Carson joins London-based RPC

  • Aegon designated as too-big-to-fail insurer

    03 November 2015

    Italian insurance group Generali out of G-Sii list

  • MetLife reports error in capital ratio

    15 October 2015

    Accounting mistake meant RBC ratio was overstated

  • MetLife's Kandarian takes regulatory lobbying role

    16 September 2015

    CEO to chair regulation group at the Institute of International Finance

  • US insurers call for halt to HLA consultation

    04 September 2015

    Trade group says IAIS should focus on definitions first

  • Industry condemns HLA proposals

    26 August 2015

    Extending the scope of the requirement to traditional insurance is wrong

  • Systemic risk buffer may miss the target

    21 July 2015

    The IAIS has unveiled a formula to calculate the high-loss absorbency for global systemically important insurers. The industry claims the requirement is set too high and fears it will be poorly targeted. Hugo Coelho reports

  • US insurers denounce 'double standards' on systemic non-banks

    09 July 2015

    ACLI urges regulators reconsider approach to systemic insurers

  • HLA to bite Axa and Prudential hardest

    03 July 2015

    Heightened capital requirements for systemic insurers will vary, says Fitch