
  • How to sell an IFRS 17 lemon

    29 January 2019

    Andries Beukes and Pamela Hellig explains why a fair value loss component is improbable but not impossible under IFRS 17

  • The biggest barrier to actuarial system improvement is... actuaries?

    27 July 2017

    As insurers prepare for another round of system adaptation and process review with the introduction of IFRS 17, Andries Beukes shares his experience in modernising actuarial systems and discusses what role actuaries have in the success – and failure – of transformation projects

  • Technology vendors prepare for a new chapter

    22 October 2015

    Christopher Cundy charts the trends in risk and capital management software as the Solvency II implementation date nears

  • Asset managers need to refocus their Solvency II services

    16 October 2015

    Insurer clients need to trust in data, says MBE International

  • MBE and Solvency II Solutions integrate risk management tools

    14 September 2015

    Partnership grants access to each tool, enabling normalised data sets