
  • IFRS 17 risk adjustment and confidence level challenges remain

    28 November 2022

    Andries Beukes says interpretation of the accounting standard varies by auditor

  • Baby steps, not big changes, for successful actuarial transformation

    22 March 2022

    MBE discusses with Cintia Cheong what insurers need to do to improve their actuarial performance using its proprietary methodology to guide insurers through major transformation projects

  • MBE identifies six aspects to enhancing actuarial performance

    23 July 2021

    Consultancy launches framework to assess insurers' actuarial capabilities

  • How much is IFRS 17 costing the insurance industry?

    19 May 2021

    Insurers are 19 months away from having to implement the new contract accounting standard and it is already costing them more than anticipated. Cintia Cheong finds out why

  • IFRS 17 confidence level disclosure: ultimate run-off vs one year

    16 November 2020

    Cintia Cheong explores why insurers face a tricky choice between the two different time horizons for the confidence level disclosure of the IFRS 17 risk adjustment

  • IFRS 17's neglected questions: the risk adjustment and confidence levels

    14 September 2020

    Andries Beukes discusses with Cintia Cheong the findings of an investigation into how insurers are planning to calculate their IFRS 17 risk adjustment and confidence level

  • Is PAA the IFRS 17 shortcut insurers have been looking for?

    11 March 2020

    Complying with the IFRS 17 insurance contracts accounting standard is hard work, especially for firms writing long-term contracts. Pamela Hellig discusses the potential for the premium allocation approach to relieve the pressure