
  • Brexit is an opportunity for regulatory easing - Nelson

    06 September 2016

    Lloyd's chairman says prudential framework is overly burdensome

  • Lloyd's would move business to EU without passporting

    05 September 2016

    Prolonged uncertainty would be enough to trigger contingency plans, warns Chairman Jon Nelson

  • Brexit threatens Lloyd's market

    01 September 2016

    Short term gains on fixed income but long-term drag on profits, says Fitch

  • GI reserve releases at 30-year high

    19 July 2016

    UK authority questions sustainability of trend

  • Oasis lays roots in cat modelling scene

    14 July 2016

    The Oasis Loss Modelling Framework promised much, but has it delivered? Christopher Cundy reports on the crucial challenges it faces in the coming months

  • Qatar Re appoints CRO and compliance head

    13 July 2016

    Andrew Smith and Adam Young take on roles

  • Brexit fears hang over life insurers

    08 July 2016

    Share prices weaken in two weeks since referendum

  • Lloyd's makes plans to protect £800m of EU premiums

    30 June 2016

    Some 4% of £26.6bn market is at risk from Brexit, corporation says

  • Cyber risk: cat modelling's biggest challenge yet

    28 June 2016

    Cyber risk is growing, unavoidable and ripe for insurance solutions. But can the industry really get to grips with such a rapidly evolving risk? Christopher Cundy reports

  • Fitch and S&P rule out insurer downgrades in the near term

    24 June 2016

    Rating actions dependent on prolonged economic slump and end of group solvency style regulation