
  • PRA's insurance supervisory budget climbs 10%

    01 July 2016

    UK authority processed 400-plus applications to prepare for Solvency II

  • NAIC meeting roundup: PBR in the pocket, cyber in a mess

    15 April 2016

    State insurance commissioners have taken stock of their efforts to steal a march on federal authorities during their spring get together in New Orleans. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Gable Insurance falls short on solvency capital

    31 March 2016

    European non-life firm has until 2018 to comply

  • FCA probes six life insurers over fees

    03 March 2016

    Investigation could lead to fines and compensation payments to policyholders

  • Vicky Kubitscheck talks about her fears and hopes for Solvency II

    13 January 2016

    Chief risk officer and compliance director at Police Mutual says it would be a shame if the good intentions of Solvency II were overshadowed by compliance efforts

  • Axa to fuel insurtech growth with €100m start-up incubator

    07 September 2015

    Kamet to build disruptive insurance products and services

  • The innovation game

    14 August 2015

    As venture capitalists invest a record amount of money in insurance technology, insurers are joining their ranks in the race to find the next disruptive technology. Asa Gibson reports

  • Non-traditional activities on the BoE's radar

    02 July 2015

    Supervisor will conduct assessment of risks to financial stability

  • Generali's rating lowered on back of sovereign downgrade

    15 December 2014

    S&P cuts by one notch the ratings of Allianz, Unipol and Societa Catolica

  • Spanish sale to boost Aviva capital surplus

    22 September 2014

    Cash deal expected to net €287m