
  • Scottish Widows escapes scrutiny over treatment of longstanding customers

    12 June 2018

    "Insufficient basis" for enforcement, FCA says

  • Insurance groups get in early with public Solvency II documents

    08 May 2018

    Standard Life Aberdeen, Legal & General among UK insurers updating effects of adjustments and transitional measures

  • RMS taps Silicon Valley veteran to replace Shah as CEO

    02 March 2018

    Karen White replaces co-founder Hemant Shah

  • Hong Kong approves IFRS 17 but concerned by timing and consistency

    05 January 2018

    Date of introduction coincides with new capital regime, putting burden on smaller firms

  • Police Mutual liberated from FCA investigation over treatment of closed-book customers

    07 September 2017

    Five others still under scrutiny

  • Indian life firm admits to "a lot of chaos" as regulator appoints caretaker

    16 June 2017

    Watchdog's move follows meeting with Sahara India Life managers this week

  • 19 May will be D-Day for insurers' Solvency II reporting

    12 May 2017

    Europe's underwriters delaying publishing documents until last minute

  • Navigating the options on recovery and resolution

    12 January 2017

    As recovery and resolution planning becomes a focus for regulators, Eoin King, Bridget MacDonnell and Eamonn Phelan explore the requirements for re/insurers and the possibilities for recovery measures

  • Republicans switch insurance subcommittee head

    09 January 2017

    Sean Duffy to replace Blaine Luetkemeyer

  • BoE backs flexible reading of Solvency II transitional rules

    05 July 2016

    Transitional benefit recalculation reduces risk of asset fire sales