
  • Hurricane Zeta: loss estimates from KCC, AIR, CoreLogic, RMS

    04 November 2020

    Catastrophe modellers predict up to $5.5bn in insured losses

  • AIR Worldwide forecasts up to $3bn insured losses from hurricane Delta

    14 October 2020

    Damage exacerbated due to Delta following hurricane Laura

  • RMS estimates up to $3.5bn insured cost from Sally

    24 September 2020

    Hurricane Sally came with stronger winds than expected, weakened quickly but was slow-moving, says RMS

  • Hurricane Sally insured losses could hit $3bn

    21 September 2020

    Latest estimates from AIR Worldwide and Karen Clark & Company

  • KCC warns hurricane Isaias insured losses will top $4bn

    10 August 2020

    Isaias struck parts of the US and the Caribbean earlier this month

  • KCC pegs Hanna insured losses at $350m

    28 July 2020

    Hanna made landfall with winds reaching 90mph across Texas on 25 July

  • Cristobal to cost insurers $150m

    10 June 2020

    Covid-19 makes reconstruction more difficult, KCC said

  • Catastrophe risk modelling: platforms and models update

    09 June 2020

    InsuranceERM's round-up of developments at model vendors and platform providers AIR Worldwide, Impact Forecasting, Oasis LMF, RMS, Guy Carpenter, WTW, JBA, Nasdaq, KCC, ARA, Combus, CoreLogic, ERN and Fathom

  • Guy Carpenter secures KCC catastrophe modelling deal

    24 February 2020

    Both parties have agreed a three-year licensing agreement

  • Bahamas facing $7bn Dorian loss

    05 September 2019

    The Abaco and Grand Bahama islands were the worst hit by hurricane Dorian