
  • US insurers face $7bn payout from Hurricane Matthew

    12 October 2016

    Property damaged by wind and inland flooding, says KCC

  • Insurers face up to $400m payout from Hurricane Hermine

    20 September 2016

    60-70% of total insured loss comes from residential claims

  • KCC estimates $500m insured losses from Hermine

    05 September 2016

    Category 1 hurricane hit Florida on Friday

  • Climate change 'not an issue' for hurricane insurance investors

    03 June 2015

    Storm surge may be a bigger concern, says Karen Clark

  • Karen Clark's RiskInsight now fully probabilistic

    27 March 2014

    Catastrophe modelling platform includes "characteristic event" loss estimates

  • Cat modellers set out their platforms

    26 February 2013

    For Eqecat, AIR and RMS, the future is platforms and the promise to give clients more model transparency and control. Open-architecture initiatives such as Oasis are also gearing up. Lorna Davies details the developments