
  • Friends Life merger will strengthen capital and liquidity, says Aviva

    24 November 2014

    Deal would create UK's largest life insurer

  • Standard Life grows portfolio

    29 October 2014

    Analysts suggest excess capital could drive M&A

  • Hancock succeeds Benmosche as AIG CEO

    11 June 2014

    "Strong risk manager" takes the helm at US insurer

  • With changing market dynamics, insurers can profit in fixed income

    07 May 2014

    They buy in bulk, their size gives them clout with large fixed-income asset managers and their buy-and-hold outlook insulates them from market swings, as Douglas Niemann explains

  • JP Morgan to manage Resolution Life's funds

    24 April 2014

    Will help manage investment strategy and $12bn fixed income portfolio

  • Partnership appoints bulk annuities director

    02 April 2014

    Costas Yiasoumi joins specialist UK insurer

  • JP Morgan poaches BlackRock's head of sales

    24 February 2014

    James Peagam to head EU global insurance solutions

  • Milliman hires ex-Skandia trio to run Stockholm ALM office

    11 November 2013

    Former CRO Steve Hardwick among recruits

  • Hopes build for better treatment of infrastructure investment under Solvency II

    27 September 2013

    Infrastructure investments provide a great match for insurers' liabilities, but Solvency II's crude view of the investment risk means money is not flowing as fast as it could. Milliman and JP Morgan Asset Management set out the justification for a review

  • JP Morgan hires Aon insurance asset head

    24 September 2013

    Gareth Haslip is latest recruit to insurance investment team