
  • LTG impact study may not end Solvency II delays

    29 January 2013

    Insurance Europe and KPMG warn of "challenging timetable"

  • 2013: the ERM challenges ahead

    08 January 2013

    Leading consultants and CROs say getting the most out of Solvency II implementation will be a big challenge for 2013, but other aspects of ERM will reappear on the agenda, as will the necessity of keeping ERM at the heart of business. Here is a compilation of responses to the questions InsuranceERM asked experts just before Christmas

  • Maintaining the momentum on Solvency II

    28 December 2012

    Keeping SII moving will be just one of Insurance Europe's tasks for 2013, says Michaela Koller

  • Capital requirements for G-SIIs should be "last resort"

    18 December 2012

    Insurance Europe and IIF respond to consultation on systemically risky insurers