
  • Socrates Coudounaris: people can overcome the most difficult of situations

    21 December 2020

    Socrates Coudounaris, co-chair of the CRO and NED specialist interest group at the Institute of Risk Management, answers InsuranceERM's new year questions

  • What digital transformation means for CROs

    24 November 2020

    Some chief risk officers are keen to embrace the opportunities offered by digital transformation, while others see it as a distraction. But all view digitalisation as an unavoidable trend that brings new risks with it, as Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Enstar CRO to chair Institute of Risk Management's climate group

    28 January 2020

    Martin Massey will lead cross-industry effort to understand climate risk

  • Institute of Risk Management appoints Great-West CRO as chair

    05 December 2019

    Iain Wright takes over from Socrates Coudounaris

  • Risk management institutes join forces

    06 June 2019

    The Institute of Risk Management deepens collaboration with the Institute of Operational Risk

  • Learning the lessons from internal model change

    28 March 2019

    Defining and implementing changes to internal models has challenged insurers, but a new industry report sheds some light on the best approaches to managing the process. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Digital risk management qualification opens for enrolment

    05 December 2018

    The Institute of Risk Management certificate covers digital risk assessments, cyber security and ethical issues

  • IMIF publishes guidance on op risk modelling and insurance purchases

    30 April 2018

    Survey highlights variation in practice across the industry

  • Model risk management - why should we care?

    17 April 2018

    There are clear benefits to insurers from taking a holistic approach to managing model risk, says Phil Whittingham

  • IMIF launches guidance on model risk management

    21 February 2018

    UK-based group builds on work in banking industry