
  • Underwriting food security in an era of unstable climate and politics

    03 July 2024

    Nations cannot afford their farmers, and crops, to fail. While insurers can help cushion the blow, experts say it is largely the responsibility of governments to broaden uptake of crop cover. David Walker reports

  • IFRS 17 is "two steps forward, one step back" for insurance accounting

    03 July 2024

    Updated standard removes asset-liability mismatch, but impedes comparability, says S&P

  • The mixed picture for life backbook deals in Europe

    24 June 2024

    While life backbook consolidation in Germany seems to have stalled, in Spain it's a more a case of 'full steam ahead', David Walker finds

  • PE and insurance: perception versus reality

    21 June 2024

    Private equity and alternative asset manager-owned life insurers have been accused of making risky investments and running opaque businesses intent on making a fast buck. The facts may not bear this out, as Sarfraz Thind reports in the first of a two-part article

  • Japanese firms reveal progress on anti-price collusion measures

    17 June 2024

    Tokio Marine is compelling its salespeople to reflect on "uncomfortable" policies

  • Australian non-life reinsurance costs rise 44% in seven years, S&P Global finds

    17 June 2024

    Premium growth outstripped reinsurance hikes over period

  • EU's Solvency II reforms could free up to €80bn of capital, S&P estimates

    12 June 2024

    Insurance sector's solvency ratios to benefit by up to 25 percentage points in aggregate

  • Internal model validation under pressure to add value for insurers

    10 June 2024

    Insights following a recent Barnett Waddingham roundtable on internal models

  • Fitch predicts robust credit fundamentals and less rates risk for Japan's life sector

    06 June 2024

    Insurers will also keep expanding overseas to boost earnings, ratings agency expects

  • PCAF hits 23 members as three more insurers join carbon accounting group

    30 May 2024

    Eight of the members have made a GHG disclosure