
  • Mexican solvency reforms to test insurers' practices

    09 August 2013

    Mexico is due to implement its version of Solvency II in April 2015, but companies will face challenges in improving their risk management, governance and disclosure practices. Lorna Davies reports

  • DeLemps takes CRO role at Endurance

    29 July 2013

    Adds risk management to underwriting responsibilities

  • Nine global systemically important insurers named

    19 July 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's designation of systemically risky insurers has brought howls of protest from the industry, but the impact on the nine firms is not easy to gauge. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Twelve Capital hires leading risk management academic

    12 July 2013

    Markus Stricker joins Swiss insurance investment firm

  • What the LTGA really says about the matching adjustment

    10 July 2013

    A workable matching adjustment is critical for many insurers facing the prospect of complying with Solvency II, but Eiopa's recent study on long-term guarantee measures has left some aspects ambiguous and others unfeasible. Kim Durniat delves into Eiopa's concluding report to bring out the nuances

  • Few insurers "totally satisfied" with ERM implementation

    28 June 2013

    Inadequate resources and expertise is biggest barrier, says Barnett Waddingham survey

  • RMS cloud will be AIR-less

    21 June 2013

    Catastrophe modelling firms are promising to shift risk management into a higher gear with the launch of their various platforms and RMS has even thrown open its new service to third-party modellers. AIR Worldwide's Bill Churney explains why his firm won't be joining in

  • German floods scenario model launched by Impact Forecasting

    13 June 2013

    Based on images from German Aerospace Centre and Perils

  • Prophet to interface with GEMS

    10 June 2013

    SunGard's modelling software connects with Conning's economic scenario generator

  • Austrian insurer licenses Conning ESG

    07 June 2013

    Uniqa Group takes GEMS to support modelling with LSMC