
  • First $1bn economic loss of year likely from severe US weather

    08 May 2014

    Insured losses will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, says Impact Forecasting

  • The Gherkin goes into receivership

    25 April 2014

    Major tenant Swiss Re sold building in 2007

  • JP Morgan to manage Resolution Life's funds

    24 April 2014

    Will help manage investment strategy and $12bn fixed income portfolio

  • Annuity changes put corporate bonds under pressure

    23 April 2014

    Revisions to the UK's legislation around annuities is causing insurers to rethink investment strategies. Hardeep Dhillon examines the impact on sterling capital markets and demand for assets

  • Morningstar and UBS Delta to offer Solvency II capital calculations

    22 April 2014

    Market risk SCR figures will provide insights on asset allocation

  • Chile earthquake and tsunami model launched

    15 April 2014

    Impact Forecasting incorporates new footprint for 1 April 2014 quake

  • Emerging risks survey reveals "post-crisis" thinking

    04 April 2014

    This year's poll of North American risk managers shows a shift in concern away from the economic crisis and towards issues such as regulatory change and cyber risk. Christopher Cundy speaks to its author, Max Rudolph

  • Conning acquires fixed income unit

    01 April 2014

    Buys insurance-focused business from Brookfield Investment Management

  • Restricting access to health data creates competition issue

    07 March 2014

    Changing rules on access to UK national health data may have consequences for actuarial research and could make it harder to develop new products - and for new entrants to break into life insurance markets. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Impact Forecasting launches new EU windstorm model

    05 March 2014

    Developed in partnership with the University of Cologne