
  • Conditions ripe for hurricane Idalia to intensify

    29 August 2023

    Record-warm sea surface temperatures set to increase the storm's impacts

  • Tropical storm Hilary wreaks havoc in southern California

    21 August 2023

    Hilary made landfall on the coast of Mexico yesterday and around 26m people are now under flood warnings

  • Gallagher Re: above-average nat cat insured losses in H1

    19 July 2023

    The broker said severe convective storms dominated insurance industry payouts

  • Polarised political US landscape creates more challenges for insurers

    19 July 2023

    Topic will be covered at the Insurance Risk & Capital Americas in New York on 26 September

  • Viral load: how actuaries used democratised data to beat Covid-19

    13 July 2023

    The flood of public data on Covid-19 became a silver lining for actuaries amid the dark clouds of the pandemic, as David Walker reports

  • TSR expects more intense Atlantic hurricane season

    10 July 2023
  • Probitas syndicate pulls out of Adani cover

    06 July 2023

    Insurance actuaries reveal also helping to fight further coalpits in Australia

  • RGA eyes pension risk transfer and Asian markets as top growth opportunities

    15 June 2023

    US life and health reinsurer looking to alternative capital to finance growth

  • Portuguese actuaries forecast when next pandemic may occur

    13 June 2023

    Plans for new pandemic product stymied by IFRS 17 and inflation

  • Françoise Gilles replaces Renaud Guidée as Axa's group CRO

    06 June 2023

    Several reassignments revealed, and CUO position created, in top-level reshuffles