
  • AIG weighs on restructuring to escape Sifi-tag

    05 May 2015

    Follows GE's decision to sell banking business

  • Fed weighs up two-step roll out of capital requirements

    08 April 2015

    Industry lobbies against rapid implementation of Sifi reforms

  • A new breed of casualty cat models

    07 April 2015

    Modelling of a casualty or liability catastrophe has traditionally lacked the sophistication seen in the property cat world, despite its potential for harming insurers. The industry and regulators are waking up to this threat and new solutions are being developed. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Gen Re licenses AIR's cat models and platform

    16 March 2015

    Chaucer to use RMS SCS models

  • Transamerica hires Consedine to head government affairs

    25 February 2015

    Ex-Pennsylvania insurance commissioner joins industry

  • Fairfax to acquire Brit Insurance for £1.22bn

    17 February 2015

    Latest in series of major M&A deals

  • US insurers urge Fed to customise Sifi regulations

    10 February 2015

    Banking regulations are inappropriate, says American Council of Life Insurers

  • Solvency II equivalence under threat

    06 February 2015

    Europe's politicians are demanding a greater say in which countries can be deemed equivalent to Solvency II, amid fears that the European Commission is not moving fast enough with decisions that are crucial to insurers worldwide. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Senate reauthorises TRIA

    09 January 2015

    Bill to be signed into law by President Obama

  • The threat from cyber: Are insurers heading for a meltdown?

    05 January 2015

    The recent establishment of a dedicated cyber insurance agency in London by former US homeland security secretary Tom Ridge demonstrates its growing popularity. But as the prevalence of recent high-profile hacking incidents demonstrates, this is not a class without its dangers, as Marcus Alcock investigates