
  • TSR predicts average Atlantic hurricane season

    30 May 2017

    One hurricane and three tropical storms expected to make US landfall

  • Aegon hires lobbyist to replace Consedine

    25 May 2017

    Maurice Perkins to lead government and policy affairs

  • 19 May will be D-Day for insurers' Solvency II reporting

    12 May 2017

    Europe's underwriters delaying publishing documents until last minute

  • Allianz signs up with Praedicat to identify liability risks

    11 May 2017

    Forward-looking modelling an opportunity to manage emerging risks and find business opportunities, says German insurer

  • Cyclone Debbie insured losses reach A$224m

    03 April 2017

    Claims close to 20,000 in worst Australian storms and flooding since 2014

  • Turning liability into opportunity

    28 March 2017

    There is growing evidence that exposure to phthalates has serious health impacts. Excluding phthalates from insurance contracts might be the natural response, but modelling the exposure could allow firms to see the risk as a business opportunity rather than a threat, as Praedicat chief executive Robert Reville tells Callum Tanner

  • Lloyd's appoints ex-Marsh chief as chairman

    20 February 2017

    Bruce Carnegie-Brown replaces John Nelson

  • NAIC digs its claws into EU-US covered agreement

    17 February 2017

    A Congressional hearing has given opponents of the covered agreement the opportunity to argue for its renegotiation under the Trump administration. Christopher Cundy reports

  • UK's mortality spike linked to poorer healthcare

    17 February 2017

    Researchers rule out link to flu or cold weather

  • TMR licenses Praedicat's casualty cat model

    07 February 2017

    Will enhance accumulation risk management