
  • Weakened storm Bertha set to bring heavy rainfall

    28 May 2020

    Bad weather on eastern coast delays SpaceX launch

  • Noaa warns of busy 2020 hurricane season

    22 May 2020

    Between 6-10 hurricanes in the Atlantic are forecast

  • US associations unveil pandemic insurance proposal

    22 May 2020

    Differs from terrorism-risk model being debated in Congress

  • Australia's insurers get grilled after the country burns

    21 May 2020

    A parliamentary committee took Australia's insurers to task after a torrid season of bushfires, Covid-19 and scathing criticism of their conduct and governance. David Walker reports

  • Randall & Quilter hires CFO from Bank of America

    21 May 2020

    Tom Solomon to take over responsibilities from Alan Quilter

  • UK insurance industry to raise £100m to fight Covid-19

    18 May 2020

    Supporters include Lloyd's of London and Aviva

  • Californian P&C insurers hit out at workers compensation order

    07 May 2020

    State governor's edict "jeopardises stability" of compensation system, APICA argues

  • Praedicat scenario tool targets Covid-19 litigation assessments

    23 April 2020

    Legal claims likely to dwarf asbestos even as virus continues to spread

  • Whisper it quietly... many UK motor insurers are offering Covid-19 refunds

    22 April 2020

    US motor insurers have caught the headlines with multi-million-dollar rebates to customers. Their UK counterparts seem to be in the slow lane, but under the bonnet they are taking action, as Ronan McCaughey explains

  • NC Farm Bureau to pay 20% Covid-19 dividend to motor policyholders

    22 April 2020

    US mutual insurer says decision provides $22m in savings for drivers