
  • China Life sticks with VNB metric in IFRS 17 implementation

    10 May 2023

    Follows trend for life insurers to provide continuation on key performance indicators

  • UN group develops ESG risks guide for life and health insurers

    20 April 2022

    Guide is being created by UNEP PSI and HSBC Life

  • SFCRs reveal European insurers' Covid-19 stress test scenarios

    25 August 2021

    The scenarios imagined the insurance impact of multiple lockdowns and waves of infection

  • Hong Kong sales rose in Q1, though pandemic effects evident

    01 June 2020

    Sales to mainland visitors suffer 27% quarterly drop

  • HSBC to take full ownership of Chinese life JV

    05 May 2020

    Move facilitates more involvement in Greater Bay Area, says group CEO

  • Singapore's insurers extend coronavirus cover

    18 February 2020

    The country had 77 cases confirmed by yesterday, and 53 in hospital