
  • Insurers seek the Latin American goldmine

    15 September 2023

    With a huge protection gap, developing regulatory environment and an appetite for technology, the prospects look good for those willing to step into Latin America. But any adventure comes with risk, as Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Talanx sticking with transitionals despite 277% life solvency ratio without them

    15 May 2023

    CFO Jan Wicke praises "flexibility" the Solvency II mechanisms afford

  • Talanx's HDI specialty unit reveals appetite for M&A

    06 December 2022

    Has €5bn premium target to hit, CEO tells investors

  • Insurers under pressure to halt cover for Australian gas field expansion

    05 October 2022

    Ichthys is one of the world's most complex liquefied natural gas projects

  • Russian-Ukrainian exposure at Europe's insurers revealed

    30 May 2022

    Insurance Risk Data finds Allianz takes top spot for number of stakes in war-zone businesses

  • German insurers count up costs of Bernd in SFCRs

    13 April 2022

    Reinsurance saved many from worse pain

  • Talanx injected capital into Italian unit as solvency went sub-120% in 2020

    15 September 2021

    Actions in H1 revealed in HDI Assicurazioni's SFCR

  • Germany's interest rate reserve gets bigger - and better

    07 January 2021

    German life insurers paid more into the Zinszusatzreserve again in 2020, despite the new "corridor method" of calculation that intended to unburden the sector. Industry leaders tell David Walker the ZZR remains fit for purpose nonetheless

  • German trade insurers win further six months' breathing room

    29 December 2020

    Public-private umbrella protection programme extended to June 2021

  • Talanx buys Italian non-life firm from Apollo

    22 October 2020

    The purchase is part of the German firm's plan to be in the top 10 of Italian non-life insurers