
  • Fed weighs up two-step roll out of capital requirements

    08 April 2015

    Industry lobbies against rapid implementation of Sifi reforms

  • Lindeen ready to battle global capital standards

    05 March 2015

    NAIC president cautions against covered agreement with EU

  • Tough battle ahead for global capital standards

    19 February 2015

    The response of US state insurance regulators to the IAIS consultation on the insurance capital standard sheds light over hurdles on the way of a global compromise. Hugo Coelho reports

  • US insurers urge Fed to customise Sifi regulations

    10 February 2015

    Banking regulations are inappropriate, says American Council of Life Insurers

  • States hope for mutual recognition in ICS debate

    09 December 2014

    Delays in G-SII process 'speak for themselves'

  • US insurers should not fear interest rate spike

    08 October 2014

    CreditSights gauges sector exposure as QE ends

  • US federal regulators review process for designating systemic insurers

    07 October 2014

    Minutes of closed-door vote show divisions over MetLife

  • UK insurers may face resolution plans

    06 October 2014

    PRA will consult industry

  • MetLife contests systemic risk designation

    06 October 2014

    Largest US life insurer seeks to avoid heightened regulation

  • Federal Reserve to begin QIS for insurers

    01 October 2014

    Second stage of capital framework overhaul