
  • Japanese regulator to continue with "ERM interviews"

    28 January 2013

    JFSA sees it as equivalent to ORSA

  • With-profits rules "disproportionately hard" for small mutuals

    16 January 2013

    FSA opened consultation in December

  • PRA consults on powers to put pressure on parent firms

    07 January 2013

    Open for comment until 1 March

  • Companies will allocate resources back to strategic issues

    24 December 2012

    It's time to refocus on traditional areas of ERM, says Milliman's Neil Cantle.

  • Early pillar 3 reporting would be unnecessary burden

    21 December 2012

    ABI urges practical solution to Solvency II implementation

  • Focus on the risks and issues that ERM misses

    20 December 2012

    A good track record of addressing strategic risks will build ERM's value into the heart of business, says Hiscox CRO

  • Ace's Mark McCausland: Solvency II is no chore

    19 December 2012

    If boards are only focused on meeting the regulatory aspects of Solvency II they are missing a key point, says Mark McCausland, chief risk officer for Ace European Group, and calling the directive a chore should be resisted. He talks to InsuranceERM about this and other challenges of the CRO role

  • IUA sets sights on PRA and FCA cooperation for 2013

    19 December 2012

    Regulatory burden should be reasonable, cost-effective and fair, says IUA