
  • Germany to scrap interest rate guarantee cap

    08 October 2015

    Solvency II renders legal limits obsolete

  • Decline in profits may be permanent for P&C reinsurers

    04 September 2015

    Downward pressure on pricing will continue in 2016, says Fitch

  • Guy Carp estimates Tianjin loss at up to $3.3bn

    04 September 2015

    Set to become one of Asia's largest man-made losses

  • Reinsurance strategy boosts QBE results

    18 August 2015

    Combined operating ratio falls despite bad year for catastrophes

  • Tianjin explosion to cost insurers more than $1bn

    18 August 2015

    Fitch says accident will be material for Chinese firms

  • The innovation game

    14 August 2015

    As venture capitalists invest a record amount of money in insurance technology, insurers are joining their ranks in the race to find the next disruptive technology. Asa Gibson reports

  • Phoenix given investment-grade ratings

    06 August 2015

    Inaugural rating for UK life insurer

  • Systemic risk buffer may miss the target

    21 July 2015

    The IAIS has unveiled a formula to calculate the high-loss absorbency for global systemically important insurers. The industry claims the requirement is set too high and fears it will be poorly targeted. Hugo Coelho reports

  • HLA to bite Axa and Prudential hardest

    03 July 2015

    Heightened capital requirements for systemic insurers will vary, says Fitch

  • New entrants could add £2bn to UK's capacity for bulk annuities

    29 May 2015

    Further growth seen after record 2014