
  • European regulators outline Brexit mitigation measures

    31 January 2019

    As the threat of a no-deal Brexit becomes more likely, some EU countries are stepping up their preparations to ensure service continuity. Cintia Cheong spoke to regulators and governments in five big EU27 markets to find out what they have planned

  • MPs investigate future of UK's financial services post Brexit

    25 January 2019

    Treasury Committee to explore fintech, while ABI director proposes look at emerging markets

  • Japan's Nippon Life on M&A path in US and Asia

    22 January 2019

    Fitch highlights “saturated” domestic market as spur for foreign expansion

  • Fitch and think-tank warn UK insurers about no-deal Brexit

    11 December 2018

    Systematic refusal of valid EU claims will trigger restricted default, Fitch warns

  • Specialist reinsurer One Re stops accepting new business

    22 November 2018

    All business is now being channelled through two MGAs

  • Moody's affirms Brexit readiness, transitional deal or not

    13 November 2018

    Rating agency ready for UK authorisation under new regime

  • German life book consolidation: cultural shift needed

    18 October 2018

    Following the sale of Generali Leben to Viridium, the largest-ever transfer of a German life book, participants are hopeful it will convince doubtful minds and open the door to more deals. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Most of Europe's non-life business "marginal or loss-making" in 2017

    11 September 2018

    Analysis by Insurance Risk Data of combined ratios reveals marine, aviation and transport is the sector with the least profitable premiums. David Walker reports

  • Rating agencies split in outlook on reinsurers

    04 September 2018

    Fitch and Moody’s have “stable” outlook, while A.M. Best’s is “negative”

  • Vivat issues €300m RT1 notes

    14 June 2018

    Firm joins several insurers to enter RT1 debt market