
  • Disclose IFRS 17 impacts mid-year, Esma urges insurers

    16 May 2022

    The authority published its disclosure recommendations for EU insurers

  • Eiopa proposes technology risk guidelines for re/insurers

    11 April 2019

    The proposal is in response to EC's 2018 fintech action plan

  • European Commission drafts rules on ESG integration in investment advice

    07 January 2019

    Amendments to Mifid II and IDD will demand firms take clients' ESG preferences into account

  • EU authorities tell Efrag to stop stalling on IFRS 17 - UPDATED

    22 October 2018

    ESAs warn a delay in IFRS 17 would challenge coordination with IFRS 9

  • Eiopa seeks empirical evidence on the use of big data

    09 July 2018

    The supervisor explores benefits, risks and possible regulatory interventions

  • MEPs seek scrutiny of IFRS 17 implementation timeline

    04 June 2018

    European Parliament's Econ committee files draft resolution demanding deeper investigation of accounting standard

  • Eiopa warns insurers off CFDs and binary options

    04 June 2018

    European authority’s statement follows action by Esma to restrict such products

  • Insurance Europe seeks assurance over Eiopa's expanding powers

    20 September 2017

    Extra responsibilities to be granted by European Commission need appropriate governance

  • Leaked papers point to stronger role for Eiopa in internal model approval

    19 September 2017

    Insurance companies will also be tapped for authority's funding

  • EBA chief rejects idea of Eiopa merger

    01 June 2017

    No material benefit of merging authorities, but greater collaboration would help in non-core activities, says EBA chairman Andrea Enria