
  • Insurers facing issues in quantifying nature risk in Orsas

    11 June 2024

    ASR's Esther Egeter cited challenges around data shortages and the typical timespan of an Orsa

  • Europe's insurance premiums top €3trn in 2023

    11 June 2024

    Eiopa figures reveal a 3.1% expansion in GWP since 20220*

  • Eiopa reveals near-€500bn growth in industry eligible own funds under Solvency II

    07 June 2024

    Rate of growth is almost double expansion of capital requirement since Q3 2016

  • ECA 2024: Society needs "behavioural change" to close protection gaps, says Petra Hielkema

    06 June 2024

    And insurers can help enact such change, Eiopa's chair adds

  • Eiopa finds some insurers are greenwashing, but sector is generally compliant

    04 June 2024

    The EU authority noted instances of misleading sustainability claims are on the rise

  • "Jump in and see what AI could bring you"

    27 May 2024

    Insurers are making bigger strides into artificial intelligence (AI) and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), but remain focused on specific use cases for the technology. Paul Walsh reports

  • Eiopa reveals European life lapse rate in 2023

    15 May 2024

    The authority's latest risk dashboard was released yesterday

  • BaFin president suggests EU should emulate UK's decluttering of regulations

    15 May 2024

    Mark Branson also acknowledges Eiopa recent criticisms of German regulator

  • German life business in "silent run-off" as growth stalls

    15 May 2024

    Back-book consolidation trend to continue despite cancelled Zurich and Axa deals, says rating agency analyst

  • European Commission requests Eiopa's input on proportionality, CCPs and crypto assets in Solvency II

    13 May 2024

    Move follows agreement on reforms to directive