
  • ESRB issues first "general warning" of systemic risk levels in Europe

    30 September 2022

    Probability of tail risk scenarios is increasing, says EU authority

  • ESRB proposes systemic cyber risk framework

    31 January 2022

    EU-SCICF aims to prevent cyber-attacks from causing a financial crisis

  • ESRB highlights discount rates as key risk in IFRS 17

    14 December 2021

    European Systemic Risk Board also warns about EU's carve out

  • Lagarde warns Bernardino: watch out for liquidity risk

    09 June 2020

    ESRB chair highlights implications for re/insurers from Covid-19 crisis

  • Additional macroprudential measures to mitigate systemic risk "not needed"

    25 February 2019

    Insurance Europe disagrees with most ESRB suggestions

  • Solvency II: what reforms can we expect?

    27 December 2018

    Christopher Cundy examines what will change with the two scheduled reviews of Solvency II and the other issues set to influence the EU's landmark insurance legislation

  • ESRB identifies options to strengthen re/insurers' macroprudential framework

    27 November 2018

    Two key systemic risk types highlighted

  • MEPs seek scrutiny of IFRS 17 implementation timeline

    04 June 2018

    European Parliament's Econ committee files draft resolution demanding deeper investigation of accounting standard

  • Leaked papers point to stronger role for Eiopa in internal model approval

    19 September 2017

    Insurance companies will also be tapped for authority's funding

  • Give more power to regulators amid low interest rates, says ESRB

    29 November 2016

    Suggestions include ban to dividends before SCR breach