
  • US federal regulators review process for designating systemic insurers

    07 October 2014

    Minutes of closed-door vote show divisions over MetLife

  • Catastrophe models for the 21st century

    02 October 2014

    Modern society is incredibly interconnected and creating potentially huge risks that insurers are struggling to capture. RMS's Andrew Coburn explains to Christopher Cundy how a new generation of catastrophe models could be developed to help

  • Prudential Financial takes $1.4bn in pension liabilities

    01 October 2014

    Bristol-Myers buys group annuity cover

  • Towers Watson launches proxy modelling software

    30 September 2014

    RiskAgility should help firms accelerate reporting processes

  • ERS insists it will be ready for Solvency II by end of year

    26 September 2014

    Lloyd's still has Syndicate 218 on 'red' regulation status

  • Excluding terrorism risk?

    25 September 2014

    As the US Congress debates the latest renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, fears about expiration are stronger than before, with divisions over state v private sector responsibilities for insurance risk threatening the previous consensus. Hugo Coelho examines

  • EU associations set template for Solvency II data exchange

    16 September 2014

    IMA, BVI and Club Ampere prepare table to assist reporting

  • Reaching the capital summit

    11 September 2014

    On the eve of this year's Monte Carlo Rendez Vous, Marcus Alcock dips his finger into the reinsurance market waters and assesses the temperature with regard to capital, catastrophes and pricing

  • New SII data service for insurers

    09 September 2014

    Thomson Reuters' solution helps disclosure obligations

  • Risk margin threatens to shrink MA benefit

    01 September 2014

    Eiopa revises method of calculation to include credit risk