
  • Full steam ahead for Solvency II technology implementation

    28 October 2014

    The heat is on insurers to make their technology work in a fast-paced and regulation-bound environment, as Christopher Cundy surveys the scene in his introduction to the InsuranceERM Technology Guide 2014-15

  • Insurers welcome equivalence changes

    28 October 2014

    EC provides greater certainty on deduction and aggregation

  • Brussels rejects NAIC-solution for reinsurance collateral

    27 October 2014

    US must not discriminate between EU members

  • US insurers falling short on climate change

    23 October 2014

    Need to account for weather-related risk in ERM assessments

  • UK insurers weighing up alternatives to the MA

    22 October 2014

    Volatility adjustment might be more attractive, but further detail needed

  • Travelers shareholders see $973m returned in Q3

    22 October 2014

    Distribution comes despite weather-related losses

  • Lloyd's syndicates face solvency capital charges

    14 October 2014

    ERS and ANV syndicates on notice from Capital Planning Group

  • Benefit of the matching adjustment could be wafer-thin

    14 October 2014

    If supervisors take a hard line on the methodology for calculating the fundamental spread and issues like diversification, new business and portfolio rebalancing, the adjustment could lose its appeal, reports Hugo Coelho

  • Regulators back down on operational risk capital charges

    14 October 2014

    EC excludes acquisition expenses of unit-linked products

  • Insurers criticise treatment of long-term investments

    10 October 2014

    Further lobbying expected after adoption of delegated acts