
  • US ORSA comes to life

    19 June 2015

    Before the end of the year, large US insurers will submit an ORSA report to supervisors. This represents a step change for the industry, but is likely to be just the beginning of a broader process of transformation, Hugo Coelho reports

  • Insurers' growth inhibited by a failure to innovate

    17 June 2015

    Almost half of insurers have no formal innovation strategy, says KPMG

  • PRA backtracks on separate management of collateral in MA portfolios

    03 June 2015

    But burden of proof for alternative approaches is high

  • Tying federal regulators in knots

    28 May 2015

    Insurers are increasing their lobbying efforts as legislation advances through Congress that is designed to limit the discretion of federal regulators in designating systemic firms and devising capital standards. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Restrict look-through in Solvency II reporting, ABI urges

    25 May 2015

    UK insurance association responds to regulator on materiality question

  • Guarantees and securities lending triggered MetLife's Sifi designation

    15 May 2015

    US Justice Department fights for dismissal of insurer's legal appeal

  • NAIC's Urias: "ICS should not be tied to one valuation methodology, not at this stage"

    14 May 2015

    The attempt to create global convergence on insurance supervision is proving to be a bumpy ride. Christina Urias, the NAIC's director for international regulatory affairs, explains to Hugo Coelho how the states view the reinsurance collateral agreement with the EU and the global capital standard.

  • Rothesay Life seals £675m bulk annuity deal

    06 May 2015

    Assumes liabilities for Lehman Brothers pension fund

  • AIG weighs on restructuring to escape Sifi-tag

    05 May 2015

    Follows GE's decision to sell banking business

  • Towers Watson automates production of Solvency II XBRL reports

    05 May 2015

    RiskReporter described as "last five miles solution"