
  • ABI welcomes flexibility on Solvency II transitionals

    13 July 2015

    But raises concerns about the timeline for internal model approvals

  • Mutuals find a new path to share capital

    09 July 2015

    The UK's mutual insurers are eagerly awaiting the outcome of negotiations on legislation that could help lead a revival of the sector. Asa Gibson reports

  • US insurers denounce 'double standards' on systemic non-banks

    09 July 2015

    ACLI urges regulators reconsider approach to systemic insurers

  • UK welcomes delay to secondary annuity market plan

    08 July 2015

    Government angles for start in 2017

  • A 1-in-200 cyber event could trigger $71bn in claims

    08 July 2015

    Lloyd's urges insurers to enhance data and develop probabilistic models

  • Solvency II accelerates overhaul of embedded value reporting

    02 July 2015

    Towers Watson expects changes for year-end 2015

  • Towers Watson addresses workflow efficiency with Unify software

    02 July 2015

    Aims to speed up modelling and reporting while improving governance

  • Willis and Towers Watson merge in $18bn deal

    30 June 2015

    Combined company will generate about $8bn in revenues annually

  • QE-led volatility makes a mockery of Solvency II stresses

    30 June 2015

    Commission under pressure to toughen calibrations in 2018 standard formula review

  • ICS loses steam

    23 June 2015

    Plans to introduce a global standard for insurance capital have altered, with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors opening the door to differentiated implementation at the national level. Hugo Coelho reports