
  • Aurore Lecanon: the CRO of the year driving risk management change

    02 March 2021

    Chief risk officer of the year in InsuranceERM's 2021 awards, Aurore Lecanon, tells Ronan McCaughey how and why she successfully modernised Prudential International Assurance's risk function. She also discusses Brexit's impact

  • Asian life insurers boost Covid-19 immunisation programmes by taking on vaccine risk

    17 February 2021

    Fidelidade follows Singaporean firms providing insurance for vaccine side-effects

  • Is address-level pricing causing or solving natcat protection gaps?

    11 February 2021

    Consumers in high-risk districts are facing unaffordable premiums for property cover - a situation that some blame on insurers' increasingly detailed pricing methods. But insurers argue that address-level pricing allows them to close protection gaps. David Walker reports

  • Australian association to investigate affordability and availability problems

    09 February 2021

    Insurance Council of Australia seeking solutions to decade-long issues

  • Insurance protection gaps: getting over the blame game

    09 February 2021

    Politicians and civil society tend to blame insurers for widening protection gaps. But insurers say governments and regulators must share responsibility. So what can be done to solve what all regard as a growing problem? Christopher Cundy reports from Eiopa's 10th anniversary conference

  • Local authorities in Australia call for national natcat reinsurance programme

    04 February 2021

    Recent report warned of unaffordability and unavailability of cover north of Tropic of Capricorn

  • US insurers must respond to "new trajectory" in country's climate policies

    29 January 2021

    Speakers at Insurance Information Institute forum urge engagement with pro-climate administration

  • Fix annual cohorts, then we'll support IFRS 17 endorsement, say European insurers

    25 January 2021

    Insurance Europe and CFO Forum say other issues do not block endorsement

  • Avoid prescriptive supervision of climate change risk, say European insurers

    14 January 2021

    Insurance Europe responds to IAIS's consultation

  • IFoA president-elect: actuaries must keep the world insurable

    14 January 2021

    Louise Pryor says actuaries and insurers must deal with the urgent risk of climate change