
  • Direct Line exhausts 2018's bad weather budget in Q1

    02 May 2018

    Sub-zero weather causes surge in claims

  • Phoenix and Tryg set to issue RT1 debt

    16 April 2018

    Investor roadshows begin this week

  • Tier 1 debt issuance on cards as Solvency II grandfathering expires

    11 April 2018

    Nearly €5bn of grandfathered debt due to expire before 2020

  • LV= promotes finance director to general insurance CRO

    23 March 2018

    Kieran O'Keeffe replaces Raphael Borrel

  • Prudential appoints internal audit director as CRO

    01 March 2018

    James Turner appointed group chief risk officer and executive director

  • Direct Line writes off £57m IT investment

    27 February 2018

    But strong 2017 results lead to increased dividend

  • Mapfre reveals €300m of capital injections to units in 2017

    08 February 2018

    Almost double the losses from third quarter natcats

  • Direct Line completes £350m RT1 debt issue

    08 December 2017

    First sterling issue of restricted tier 1 debt

  • Justice Committee's Ogden advice raises fear of further delay

    30 November 2017

    MPs have told the government it must face the "real world" when implementing the new personal injury discount rate. But its recommendations may cause more delay to the process, and pain for insurers as the industry tussles with making appropriate assumptions. Paul Walsh reports

  • CROs discuss - do we even need a risk team?

    24 November 2017

    Ensuring an appropriate risk culture is an important but sometimes hazy activity for a risk team. At InsuranceERM's recent conference, a group of CROs discussed some of the issues and challenges they face in achieving a good risk culture