
  • Deloitte predicts action from Irish regulator on sub-standard SFCRs

    05 June 2017

    Consultancy says governance section of documents often disappointed expectations

  • IFRS 17 compliance: a task comparable with Solvency II?

    18 May 2017

    IFRS 17 has been described as a "landmark shift" in insurer accounting and some are saying that implementation could require more work than was needed for Solvency II. InsuranceERM gets the lowdown from the industry on what it means for the sector

  • Sourcing data for cyber risk management

    19 April 2017

    Insurers crave data to better write cyber risk policies and understand their risk accumulation, but getting hold of it is a tough assignment. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Insurers struggle to use full potential of data analytics

    06 April 2017

    Change approach or be overtaken by start-ups, warns Deloitte

  • Cyber insurance market may need government backstop - Swiss Re

    01 March 2017

    Big data and smart analytics can boost market

  • South Korean life insurers' earnings drop 25%

    27 February 2017

    Sector's losses mainly from policy surrenders

  • Insurers risk losing cyber business

    24 February 2017

    Other forms of financial protection will fill the void as the industry struggles with lack of data and aggregation risk

  • IFRS 17 publication delayed, transition group planned

    19 January 2017

    "Minor issues" to be dealt with at February meeting

  • Insurance Europe's Aubin joins consultancy

    17 January 2017

    Prudential role taken on by Cristina Mihai

  • Asta hires head of regulatory operations

    05 January 2017

    Neil Griffiths joins from Lloyd's