
  • Mortality rates in England and Wales improve, but remain higher than pre-pandemic levels

    09 March 2022

    Life expectancies for 65-year-olds were two weeks lower in 2021 than in 2020

  • CMI places no weight on 2020-2021 data for next mortality projections

    24 November 2021

    2021 still likely to be an outlier, says CMI

  • UK's shrinking mortality improvements continue in 2020, ignoring Covid-19 impact

    04 March 2021

    CMI_2020 calibrated for users to disregard 2020 data if they choose

  • Covid-19 vaccinations move the needle on mortality forecasts

    21 January 2021

    With the UK's Covid-19 vaccination programme being rolled out, experts tell Cintia Cheong about its impact on mortality in 2021 and what insurers should consider when projecting mortality trends

  • Christmas week registers 51% more Covid-19 deaths than expected

    06 January 2021

    UK has 75,000 excess deaths since pandemic outbreak, according to CMI actuaries

  • Covid-19 drives CMI to recalibrate 2020 mortality projections

    15 December 2020

    This year is likely to be an outlier, say actuaries

  • Actuaries ponder how to set mortality assumptions after Covid-19

    06 October 2020

    CMI consultation runs until 1 November

  • CMI proposes "no weight" on 2020 data for next mortality projections

    24 September 2020

    It says coronavirus has caused an exceptional mortality experience this year

  • Excess deaths in England and Wales drop below 2019 levels

    30 June 2020

    CMI says 13-19 June was first time since March that excess deaths have turned negative

  • UK actuaries highlight drop in non-Covid-19 deaths

    17 June 2020

    CMI to focus on registered deaths rather than estimated figures