
  • Australian cyclone reinsurance pool avoids deluge of claims

    01 August 2023

    Only a handful of claims met by the ARPC in its first six months of coverage

  • Catastrophe modellers are red hot on climate

    09 July 2021

    InsuranceERM's annual roundup of developments among catastrophe modellers and platform providers finds one overwhelming theme: the need to provide insurers with better ways to understand the impact of climate change on risk. Cintia Cheong, Christopher Cundy, Ronan McCaughey and Paul Walsh report

  • Catastrophe risk modelling: platforms and models update

    09 June 2020

    InsuranceERM's round-up of developments at model vendors and platform providers AIR Worldwide, Impact Forecasting, Oasis LMF, RMS, Guy Carpenter, WTW, JBA, Nasdaq, KCC, ARA, Combus, CoreLogic, ERN and Fathom

  • RMS(one) adds five model partners

    15 April 2014

    Aim is to broaden beyond catastrophe exposures, says RMS CEO