
  • Arch posts $86.6m of Q1 coronavirus losses

    05 May 2020

    Covid-19 helps make primary and reinsurance unprofitable in Q1

  • Axis makes $235m provision for Q1 coronavirus losses

    28 April 2020

    Warns of additional $65m cat provision and steep falls in investments

  • Arch estimates Q1 coronavirus losses of $95m

    16 April 2020

    Mortgage segment to take hit of up to $50m

  • AMP fined for derivatives reporting failures

    17 March 2020

    Australian insurer also replaces chief risk officer

  • Axis Capital hit by $140m Q4 cat losses

    03 February 2020

    Insurer has remote exposure to coronavirus - including a $10m pandemic bond

  • Axis expects nat cat losses of $140m in Q4 2019

    21 January 2020

    Typhoon Hagibis the main contributor to losses

  • COMMENT: What will 2020 bring for coal insurance?

    15 January 2020

    Peter Bosshard, coordinator of the Unfriend Coal campaign, comments on the growing withdrawal from coal underwriting

  • Australia bushfire insurance damage bill hits A$1bn

    10 January 2020

    General and life insurers finding numerous ways to help policyholders

  • Admiral bails out of Spanish price comparison JV

    24 December 2019

    Antitrust clearance taking too long

  • Catalina buys Asia Capital Re to build Asian run-off platform

    05 December 2019

    First Asian deal for Bermudian non-life run-off specialist Catalina