Pool Re to chair Cambridge University's systemic risk consortium - UPDATED
18 January 2022Overhaul needed to protect society from the next major systemic risk, says CEO
Cambridge Centre launches $300bn solar storm loss scenario
13 July 2016Impact of extreme space weather on electricity grids studied
Cyber risk: cat modelling's biggest challenge yet
28 June 2016Cyber risk is growing, unavoidable and ripe for insurance solutions. But can the industry really get to grips with such a rapidly evolving risk? Christopher Cundy reports
RMS launches cyber accumulation management system
02 February 2016Will help insurers set PMLs, risk modeller says
Catastrophes to hit global GDP by 1.2% in 10 years
03 September 2015Cat model predicts likelihood and severity of disruption in key cities
Beware the aggregation of cyber risk
24 March 2015No need for UK risk pool yet, says Marsh and government report
Catastrophe models for the 21st century
02 October 2014Modern society is incredibly interconnected and creating potentially huge risks that insurers are struggling to capture. RMS's Andrew Coburn explains to Christopher Cundy how a new generation of catastrophe models could be developed to help