
  • Dive In 2019: catching up on diversity and inclusion

    23 July 2019

    The insurance industry was heavily criticised during last year's Dive In festival for its poor approach to diversity and inclusion. Nearly twelve months on, Paul Walsh finds the sector is beginning to listen.

  • Putting gender equality principles into practice

    29 August 2018

    Many insurers have committed to narrowing the pay and seniority imbalance that exists between their male and female employees, but are their policies having any effect? Paul Walsh investigates

  • Pushing for professionalism in risk management

    18 June 2014

    Risk managers are under growing pressure to prove their competencies with regulators and rating agencies, say Amlin's Alex Hindson and Aviva's José Morago. They talk to Christopher Cundy about how qualifications can help

  • Hiscox brands SII "surreal" and FSA "inexperienced"

    25 February 2013

    But the soon-to-retire chairman hands over reins "with a happy heart"