
  • European insurers call for IFRS 9 change to clarify reported profit

    17 January 2022

    Feedback made to the accounting standard's post-implementation review

  • Fix annual cohorts, then we'll support IFRS 17 endorsement, say European insurers

    25 January 2021

    Insurance Europe and CFO Forum say other issues do not block endorsement

  • Five EU associations call for Solvency II capital reduction

    04 November 2020

    Coalition of insurance groups say cut needed to help sustainable economic recovery in EU

  • European insurers and CFOs back SFCR links

    05 June 2020

    Insurance Europe and CFO Forum respond to Solvency II reporting and disclosure proposals

  • Don't touch risk-free rate curve in Solvency II review, Insurance Europe urges

    16 January 2020

    CROs, CFOs and Insurance Europe disappointed by several proposals from Eiopa's consultation

  • Stress testing should be proportionate, say European insurers

    30 October 2019

    Insurance Europe, CFOs and CROs comment on Eiopa's discussion paper

  • Insurers slam Eiopa consultation on Solvency II reporting

    29 October 2019

    The proposals would introduce a significant burden, say EU insurers, CROs and CFOs

  • IFRS 17 'weaknesses' highlighted by European insurance bodies

    11 September 2019

    Insurance Europe and the CFO Forum are also concerned about the tight deadline for IFRS 17

  • CRO Forum picks second vice-chair

    11 July 2019

    Allegra van Hövell-Patrizi replaces Jan-Hendrik Erasmus who became Forum chair in May

  • Getting IFRS 17 ready for lift off

    16 April 2019

    Despite the recent efforts by the IASB in proposing several changes to ease the implementation of IFRS 17, the new accounting standard for insurance contracts, some in the industry believe more needs to be done. Cintia Cheong rounds up the latest developments on IFRS 17 and the outstanding issues until its launch