
  • Hurricane forecasters converge on above-average Atlantic season predictions

    07 August 2017

    Weak El Niño and warmer water are to blame

  • Aon Benfield accelerates cat loss analysis in latest Elements update

    28 June 2017

    Version 11 of cat modelling platform adds model flexibility

  • Matthew ranked as 10th most costly Atlantic hurricane

    25 April 2017

    $15bn of economic losses and $4.5bn of insured losses, estimates Aon Benfield

  • US tornados reach 17-year high in January

    08 February 2017

    Insurers face billion in losses

  • Regulation no longer main concern for managing agents

    19 January 2017

    Soft market conditions top the list

  • Actuaries chart evidence of climate change

    01 December 2016

    North American climate change tool finds more occurrence of extreme weather

  • Impact Forecasting eases access to third-party cat models

    12 July 2016

    Releases version 10 of cat modelling platform, Elements

  • Insurers face $7bn bill for May nat cats

    09 June 2016

    Canadian wildfires were main contributor

  • Houston flooding exceeds "1-in-200-year" rainfall

    19 April 2016

    Comparisons drawn with 2001's tropical storm Allison

  • Cyber security draft model law "impossible to support"

    14 April 2016

    NAIC and industry remain keen to "occupy the field" ahead of Federal legislation