
  • Climate change of +4°C would be "uninsurable", says Axa chairman

    30 October 2015

    Insurance industry has a 'triple role' in preventing drastic environmental damages

  • InsuranceERM/Towers Watson Risk Technology Report

    29 October 2015

    Senior risk and capital executives share their thoughts on risk technology, the pressures the industry faces, downsides of adopting new technology and the future shape of the industry.

  • Aviva makes case for capital ratio below peers

    29 October 2015

    Buys reinsurance against latent risk in non-life UK portfolio

  • UFR drop no knockout blow to large insurers - Morgan Stanley

    16 October 2015

    Analysts gauge impact of cut in Solvency II reference rate on Allianz, Axa and Munich Re

  • "The HLA creates more instability than it subtracts" – Axa's Thimann

    13 October 2015

    Christian Thimann, head of public of affairs at France's largest insurance group, is critical of regulators' plans to tackle systemic risk in the insurance sector. He talks to Hugo Coelho

  • 10% capital surcharge for too-big-to-fail insurers

    05 October 2015

    IAIS releases first formula of the higher loss absorbency requirement

  • Bernardino promises to bring supervisors into line on internal models

    09 September 2015

    Guidance on volatility adjustment and third-country subsidiaries being finalised

  • Moody's: Risks grow for insurance hybrid bondholders

    09 September 2015

    Coupon suspensions more likely under Solvency II

  • Axa to fuel insurtech growth with €100m start-up incubator

    07 September 2015

    Kamet to build disruptive insurance products and services

  • US insurers call for halt to HLA consultation

    04 September 2015

    Trade group says IAIS should focus on definitions first