
  • PIC completes £725m buy-in

    30 November 2017

    Attractive pricing helped by significant de-risking by the fund

  • Markel CATCo's senior actuary becomes CRO

    08 May 2017

    Senior underwriter also becomes co-chief underwriting officer

  • PIC completes £100m Alcatel-Lucent buy-in

    23 January 2017

    More deals to come in future, predicts PIC

  • PIC and JRP take on pension scheme risks

    12 January 2017

    JRP predicts increase in activity for 2017

  • PIC completes £250m buy-in with Smiths pension scheme

    28 October 2016

    Buy-ins still possible even with post-Brexit volatility, says PIC actuary

  • Bulk annuity deals fly in wake of Brexit vote

    22 August 2016

    PIC and Just Retirement complete deals

  • L&G appoints strategic director for pensions risk transfer business

    06 April 2016

    Matt Wilmington joins from Aon Hewitt

  • Rothesay Life strikes £1.6bn bulk annuity deal

    22 July 2015

    Largest pension de-risking transaction of 2015

  • Insurance asset managers grapple with Solvency II challenges

    06 June 2014

    Solvency II will impact how insurers manage their assets, but the effects will depend on their size and the business mix. Christopher Cundy and Hardeep Dhillon report from InsuranceERM's Insurance Asset Risk conference

  • Two L&G deals bring pension de-risking transactions to £16bn in 2013

    19 December 2013

    Latest arrangement transfers £1.7bn in liabilities for BAE Systems schemes