
  • Global reinsurer capital continues inexorable climb

    11 April 2014

    New high reached of $540bn, says Aon Benfield

  • Reinsurance pricing continues to fall

    04 April 2014

    Third-party capital is driving market, says Aon Benfield

  • BNP Paribas hires Aon exec to grow UK custody business

    13 March 2014

    Felix Schachter to head insurance company sales

  • JP Morgan poaches BlackRock's head of sales

    24 February 2014

    James Peagam to head EU global insurance solutions

  • Oasis: a threat or a complement to the cat model giants?

    21 February 2014

    A new open-source loss modelling framework, Oasis, is threatening to shake up the catastophe modelling establishment. Jamie Bullen asks insurers, scientists and cat modellers how they see it developing

  • "EU insurers looking to sell or de-risk life businesses"

    27 December 2013

    Marc Beckers of Aon Benfield Analytics comments on events of the last 12 months and what 2014 has in store

  • Two L&G deals bring pension de-risking transactions to £16bn in 2013

    19 December 2013

    Latest arrangement transfers £1.7bn in liabilities for BAE Systems schemes

  • New participants enable £2.5bn longevity swap for AstraZeneca's pension fund

    17 December 2013

    The transaction hedges the longevity risk of around 10,000 members

  • Impact Forecasting launches Dutch flood model

    03 December 2013

    Probabilistic catastrophe model for damage to property and motor

  • Aon and Optial launch GRC software

    25 November 2013

    Designed to help with Solvency II implementation